Dead Hot
Dead Hot

Dead Hot

45 min
5 years ago, Elliot came home to find his soulmate Peter had vanished—with nothing left behind but his finger in a puddle of blood. Still living with Peter's twin Jess, they don't know if he ran away, was kidnapped or worse. Elliot tries moving on, and after a magical date with wonderful Will, that seems possible. But when shit hits the fan, Elliot and Jess know they need to find out the truth.
Season 1
Season 1
Episode 1
Episode 1:

Episode 1

Episode 2
Episode 2:

Episode 2

Episode 3
Episode 3:

Episode 3

Episode 4
Episode 4:

Episode 4

Episode 5
Episode 5:

Episode 5

Episode 6
Episode 6:

Episode 6


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