Mary and Martha
Mary and Martha

Mary and Martha

IMDB: 6.8
90 min
Loaded American house wife Mary Morgan takes son George was bullied by her out of school to get home education. A mosquito which crawls through a pit in his net and also dies of malaria bites whilst in Mozambique George. After his funeral in home Mary feels a compulsion to go back to Africa where she meets with British girl Martha O'Connell,whose 24 year old son Ben, a teacher having service overseas,has died of malaria. Ben gave his net one of his students,believing malaria can not be caught by adults. Both women are not able to see the death rate brought on by the illness also,Mary petitions the American government whilst Martha remains being a voluntary helper in Africa. Martha ends up in Mary's house unannounced and,helped by Mary's ex-diplomat father,they address a senate committee on health spendingpersuading them to do more to combat malaria. Though a coda states that more could be done, they meet with some success.
